Tony Bhaur is a LOROS ambassador and has been volunteering with LOROS for more than 20 years. As well as helping with fundraising events he has supported the counselling team, and now has written a book about his experiences, ‘Life, Death And After: A self-help guide for loss, bereavement and grief’ which has just been published.

Tony says: “LOROS has really changed my perspective on life. LOROS had provided me with opportunities to engage with patients, their friends and families, carers, professional dealing with end of life and above all empathy, compassion and listening skills.
How did the book come about?
“During this pandemic, I was part of a group of volunteers providing mental health support to front-line workers. Because we were dealing with real people, we realised that it is affecting the mental health of so many worldwide and something needs to be done. So, it was a collective decision that we prepare a self-help-guide for general public and professionals in care system. I wrote the book but it was on behalf of the group.
“My ambition is that the book helps people worldwide. And with the generous and kind help of my supporters we have been able to donate 500 books to hospices worldwide.
“This book is culmination of my own experiences, people's personal stories, knowledge from experts in various fields and contributions from various respected international professionals.”
The book is available through Amazon: and an eBook version is available here:
